Hi and welcome to my blog! As a pediatrician, I spend my days talking with children and their parents. It’s a wonderful profession, and I am honored to interface with families daily. There is always so much to talk about, so I hope to expand on my thoughts here!

First, a little about me: I grew up in San Diego with extremely loving and supportive parents, and a younger sister. As a competitive swimmer, I learned early on the importance of exercise in my happiness. That, along with my parents’ role modeling, inspired a lifelong love of physical activity! Specifically, I love walking, hiking, swimming, and sampling any and all offered gym classes (often more than one per day when I find the time to go to the gym!). In addition to exercise, my parents taught me and role modeled a healthy diet and working hard.

I am married and have two curly-haired daughters (courtesy of my Israeli husband and website architect!). Parenting is the absolute hardest job I’ve ever done, and I learn more every day. My girls are independent and strong-willed, making them extremely confident, but also supremely stubborn. I know how hard it is to feed children healthy food in a junk food nation, and feel like I am constantly swimming upstream. I hope you will share this blog with your children, as I will share it with mine (well, my eight year old—the three year old isn’t ready yet). Thanks for reading and please write comments and questions below!