Yoga, Pilates, and Mindfulness for Kids and Teens

I enjoy talking with families about the myriad benefits of yoga, mindfulness and pilates.


Mindfulness meditation is accessible to everyone, you can do it anywhere, and it has been shown to be helpful for a wide range of health issues. The Child Mind Institute is an outstanding source of psychotherapy resources for families.

Kaiser offers free access to the mindfulness app, Calm, and I recommend this often to children and teens who are feeling anxious.

![Calm App]

Teens can check out Mindfulness For Teens as well.


Yoga is a fun, healthy way to get kids moving and improve flexibility. My daughter loves doing Cosmic Kids Yoga Check out a sample video below. I often join my daughter and it’s fun to do yoga together!


My husband and I are constantly admiring our 4 year old’s perfect posture. Our nine year old, who (like us) is more sedentary and spends more time on screens is much more prone to slouching and locking her knees. Pilates is meant to help strength our ”core“—essentially our deep abdominal, back, hip, and pelvis muscles. This in turn improves posture, balance and overall fitness.